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YSB's Services

YSB is the only agency in the region focused specifically on meeting

the unique developmental needs of young people who are in crisis. The emergency shelter serves young people ages 12 - 18, along with the

Family Success & Self-Sufficiency program starting at age 16, and Transitional Living programs serving ages 18 - 21. We connect youth to safety, provide crisis intervention,

and walk with them toward a path of self-sufficiency and success.

How YSB provides SAFETY:

- manages St. Joseph County's Safe Place program of over 160 safe places for youth to seek shelter immediately.

- gives hundreds of presentations all over St. Joseph County every year to elementary, middle and high schools on potential safety risks and solutions.

- has a Street Outreach team who is physically out on the streets trying to reach teens and young adults in need.

- partners with National Safe Place to offer Txt4Help, where youth can text the word "SAFE" and their current location to 44357, and they will tell them where to find the closest Safe Place site.

How YSB provides SHELTER:

- provides only immediate, emergency youth shelter in St. Joseph County.


- provides a transitional living program for teens and young adults. 




- partners with WorkOne and Excel Center for job training so youth have realistic expectations as they enter the workforce.


- helps youth identify goals for housing, education, and parenting and assists with developing plans to attain those goals.


- partners with area financial institutions to provide financial literacy and best practices to youth.


- teaches art therapy to residents as a long-term method to handle stress.


- have a Unity Garden on our Safe Station property for youth to learn how to garden and cook with fresh vegetables.


- partners with United Fresh to offer additional fresh food education and to encourage healthy choices.


- partners with area colleges for internships, and wellness bootcamps.

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